
A Bit Like A Modern Day Moses, With Guns. Pt1

Deviation Actions

Whitelupine's avatar

Literature Text

<LilacPetals>Gem wasn’t amused. This entire everything was slowly crumbling around him in heaps of rapid fire dramatic endings and beginnings that he wasn’t even sure where to start or- end, rather. He sat on the other side of the desk in the churchs’s office, fingers twirling over a few pen knives and eyes scanned out across the room, mind deep in thought. Andromeda wouldn’t have allowed all of this to happen so soon. She was slow about it, calculating. He? Was a kid in comparison. He wanted to stop, not the cult all together- no that’d be idiotic and farfetched- but stop taking in new people, killing people.. For now, at least. He wanted to go back into the shadows where his safety wasn’t jeopardized. But then there was this mess he had to clean up. This mess with the green cinis, the orange one the purple or pink or whatever color she was- he couldn’t remember and don’t even start to ask him which class was which. Frustration bubbled over, and he? Was done. This was their last cinis- after this, the work would start on revamping the ones they have. After this he was finished with their entire species. But—then came the predicament of the orange one. He was gunshy he had been here before he had seen what they do and how they act and he equally saw the challenge that dumb mutt caused him. So he stepped it up- for their last grand finale for a long, long time. He brought in a few new weapons. Manipulation and emotional shut down being his choice of the trade with the orange Cinis. Sure they lost a few men in the process of setting this up. The distraction of the fight good and well enough to corner the older woman and snag her in the van and take off. Gem rolled his way down into the basement to grab what was needed, hauling it over his back and exiting the older building for his car, and driving off. Capri would be in charge of nabbing Ra, along with a few other little grunts here and there. He didn’t believe Ra would put up much of a fight, especially after the fit he threw over those dumb earrings. He cared for this girl. And Gem planned on using it. Pulling up outside of the apartment building, he unlocked the gate, drove into the back, parked, got out- the usual, buuut this time he dragged out a few choice weapons with him and rounded the back to head down into the subbasement- past the cinis quarters, and directly into a boiler room where Phoebe would be tied to a few pipes. Gem hadn’t been in a good mood the past few days- mostly angry with himself for letting everything get this … messed up… And it showed, how he treated Jaeger- his members. His.. Captives. “Jaeger!” He barked, only to promptly slam the door, drag a chair out and sit infront of Phoebe and roll a knife through his fingers, twisting the blade to press under her skin “I’m going to dial his number. And you’re going to tell him to meet at the park. You aren’t going to give away anything strange. You’re not going to cry for his help and you’re not going to say anything other than something he would expect from you- if I even, for one second, suspect you’ve given out any warning I will have Jaeger gut you and feed you to my pets before doing the same god d-n thing to your precious mutt. Understand?!”

<weaselbites>Jaeger strolled in through the door after he heard Gemini call for him. The little fuck had been awfully crabby... Sticking to the shadows, the man offered a sweet grin to Phoebe and waggled his fingers in a wave to her. He then slunk up behind Gemini, draping his arms over his man's shoulders and pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Mm, baby, it's all good... She's gonna be a good girl and do what we tell her, because she cares about the little hound..." He twirled his fingers over Gemini's chest affectionately, his hazel eyes pinned to Phoebe for any signs of misbehavior.

<Whitelupine> Phoebe was scared and confused. When Gem approached her however she had a face similar to the blank slate that Ra normally wore. Yeah they weren’t siblings by blood, but that didn’t matter to either of them. When Gemini spoke to her about calling and telling Ra to meet at the park, her deep brown eyes would narrow, even with the knife on her skin. “I’m not going to do that to my brother. I’d rather you spill my guts here and now before I’d hand him over to the likes of you. So… kindly…Fuck. Off. ” She said loudly, making sure the other one, Jaeger, who entered the room heard her as well. On the inside Phoebe was terrified, but, she could not let them see that.

<LilacPetals>Gem tensed when Jaeger walked in, eyes snapping to him and he shrugged him off before shoving him towards the other chair “Don’t. I’m not in the f-king mood, Jaeger. “ he grabbed out a prepaid phone before pausing, looking up to her and straightening up. “I thought you’d say that- your entire family is annoyingly stubborn. Jaeger make her talk. Keep her alive, though. She dies- you’re the dog’s next meal.” hokay

<weaselbites>Jaeger huffed, his eyes narrowing moodily at Gemini as he was denied affection. Fucking rude. Rolling his eyes, he stood up and strolled to the table on which Gemini had laid the weapons. There were old style scoops and scalpels, even a few syringes full of liquids he was unsure of. He licked his lips and selected a fine blade; one so sharp a tap on the forearm drew blood. It had Gemini's name carved into it. Turning towards Phoebe, he smiled wickedly and took slow steps towards her. "Don't want to talk, then?" He asked, canting his head and pouting fakely. "I thought we could have a real connection, Pheebs." A fluid motion carried him forward, his hand clasping her jaw, and the knife pressed under her nose. He let the blade slit her nostrils and septum slowly. "Sing for me, birdy!" He purred.

<Whitelupine> “You don’t have a clue what my family is like” She snarled as Phoebe watched them both closely, moving her eyes to follow them without moving her head. When Jaeger approached her eyes narrowed slowly and she leaned her head back away from him. “I said fuck o-“ Jaeger’s sudden movement caught her off guard. When the cut came she let out a cry and tried to pull her head back, trying to kick at him with a loud whine.

<LilacPetals>Gem sneered , watching her and walked over to aim a kick for her ribs “You hurt him in some pathetic act of retaliation and I will remove your legs. You are no use to me dead but that puppy of yours is going to live a very long time and I wouldn’t be opposed to grabbing him at a later date. You, on the other hand, will die much sooner if you don’t start cooperating. Are you going to talk yet?” he reached down to grab her chin “If the words out of your mouth aren’t ‘yes, sir’ I will make your day soo much worse. Do not underestimate me.”

<weaselbites>Jaeger hummed a low laugh and shook her head a little, back and forth, and swung the blade down to hack at her thigh once, sharply, for attempting to kick. It likely cut very deep. "Bad." He snapped. He pressed his fingers into the hallow of her cheek, aiming to pry her jaw open, and then slit the corners of her mouth with the blade in slow slicing motions. "Gooood, goooood," He hummed, whistling to himself.

<Whitelupine> The kick to her ribs made her cry out again and she sneered at Gemini, baring her teeth a bit, then, the slicing to her face came and she cried out and struggled. “F-fine, FINE! I’ll call him..” she said averting her eyes from them. It didn’t seem like they were going to let up anytime soon, and she was only human… she’d gone through torture before, but, these two were a hell of a lot different. Once again, Phoebe was in the middle of a group wanting to lure Ra out, once again, she was the bait.

<LilacPetals>Gem nodded “Good girl” he muttered, pulling his phone out and looked down at the dial pad, entering Ra’s number and pushed it up against her ear “The park.” He added, reaching up to press the blade against her throat and kneeled down to get a better angle. He arched his brows, watching her carefully and took in a slow breath, glancing up to Jaeger and gave a small nod- goodboy.

<weaselbites>Jaeger annoyingly leaned over to smooch Gemini noisily on the cheek before he traced shallow lines in Phoebe's cheeks with the blade. Hum-dee-doo.

<Whitelupine> Phoebe winced as the phone was put to her ear and the knife to her throat. She knew even if she told him not to come, he’d fine her… he had a way of finding people. He was a Seeker after all. She listened to the phone ring, praying he wouldn’t answer, but knowing he would. He always answered when it was her number. Ra’s voice would be heard through the speaker “Raf…” Phoebe’s voice cracked then she cleared her throat to right herself. “Raf… I need you to do something for me… I… need you to meet me at the park.. you know, the one you told me you got attack- yeah that one. …Raf…” Ra’s voice could be heard rising on the other end. “Raf I’m sorry… ..alright… “ she paused for a minute “..I love you too Raf..” Tears rolled down her cheeks, she’d predicted every word that had come out of her brother’s mouth.

<weaselbites>"... Is that the best you could do, bitch?" Jaeger spat, rolling his eyes. He made sure the phone was hung up before he backhanded Phoebe with his knife hand, letting the blade crack against her cheek and split it open. Then? He kicked her in between the legs-- hoping for her to scream, and the corners of her mouth to rip.

LilacPetals>I love you? I’m sorry? X cuse? He jerked the phone away, ended the call and smashed it on the ground, leaning in close and glared “You’re sorry?”he muttered but shook his head and stood up straight “Capri should be waiting at the park. He’ll be here soon. You have fun until then but keep her alive.” He pointed at Jaeger a moment before walking up and grabbed his hair, tilting his head back and raised the knife up to point at his face “You screw this up and all of this mess is getting blamed on you, Scor.” He arched his brows, pulling away and walked for the door, closing it behind him and waited by the back door for Capri to arrive with Ra.

<Whitelupine> When the phone was pulled away from her Phoebe tried to lean for it but Jaeger’s attack caught her off guard. Jaeger got his wish, she did scream as pain engulfed her loins, the scream forcing her cheeks to rip wide giving her a very off putting, involuntary, smile. Cheek flayed open and mouth torn she pressed herself back against the wall, looking at Jaeger then watching Gem leave. Her shoulders slumped slowly and her gaze returned to Jaeger and narrowed slowly. well then… come on bitch…

<weaselbites>Jaeger just smirked whilst Gemini tilted his head back and pointed the knife at him. "Oh baby I love it when you get violent," He purred in retaliation before Gemini left. When he turned to face Phoebe, he grinned widely and snatched a whip off the table. It had glass tips on the leather strips!  So, he got to work. He ripped Phoebe's shirt off and discarded it before swinging the whip at her torso over and over until it was a bloody swath of flesh covering her midsection. Just over and over. Blood spatters everywhere.

<Whitelupine> Phoebe breathed slowly, trying to prepare herself for anything that might come. However, you can never full prepare yourself for a mad man with a glass tipped whip. The first sting from the whip make her breath catch in her throat before exploding out in a scream of agony as her flesh was torn apart by the whip. “RM!!!” yes, she yelled out for Rm, not Ra.

<weaselbites>Jaeger just laughed. Literally laughed. He dun' care. "Cry all you want!" He shouted over the screaming. "No one is coming for your middle aged ass! No one wants you!" He laughed. "You think someone's gonna come and rescue you? Alright. Okay. Let's wait." He spun the chair around so the back faced Phoebe and sat, arms crossed over the back of it. "Go ahead. Call for help."

<Whitelupine> Well, at least the whipping stopped. Phoebe pressed herself against the wall, her shoulders heaving as she panted. “H..He’s going to kill you all… you know… even if I die… at ….at least my brother will still live…. I..I just wish I could see when he tears your face off and feeds it to you…” she locked her eyes onto Jaegers, her voice hoarse from screaming.

<weaselbites>Jaeger giggled. "That's cute. You're fun. Too bad you're gonna' die the same stupid bitch you are right now," He sent a swing of the whip cracking over her face. "If you want help? Call for it. Scream for it." He grinned something wicked; a certain trace of something wrong there. Something manic and uncontrolled. Gemini wasn't here to watch him. He stood so abruptly that the chair crashed to the floor, the knife raised up, and he brought it down into Phoebe's shoulder. Grunting, he hissed, "CRY for HELP." And dug the knife between the cartilage and joint. Wriggling the blade, digging deeper, before he pressed the hilt sideways and-- hopefully, with a wet pop, dislodged the limb internally.

<Whitelupine> “Least I know what real family feels like you fucking coward..” That came out loud and clear. It would probably be the last full sentence Phoebe could ever form. When she saw that look in Jaeger’s eyes, she knew, and, her eyes would gleam back with a sense of knowing, she knew she wasn’t going to see the next morning. When the knife came down on her shoulder she screamed in agony, he wanted her to cry for help, and she was going to refuse him that want. When the knife dislodged her shoulder, another volley of cries sounded from her and her foot would lash out to kick at Jaeger’s shin, aiming to snap it if she hit home. /// Capri would arrive at the apartments with a certain orange Cinis in tow. He’d come quietly, well alright not quietly, he’d talked Capri’s ears off the entire ride about what he was going to do if his sister was hurt. Capri had zoned him out. She’d pull up to the apartments and step out. “Gem! Present for you dear!” she beamed seeing Gem at the back door. Ra would step out of the van, his eyes locking onto Gem and suddenly drawing his beretta, Capri would see this and grab the arm Ra drew with and struggle with the Cinis, the gun going off and the bullet going right through Capri’s leg right as she pulled out her favorite toy, the cattle prod, and stuck it right to Ra’s stomach “Fucking worthless mutt!” she growled and kicked Ra in the ribs once he was down. “Sorry about that Gemini.” Yep, she just apologized for getting shot.

<weaselbites>Jaeger paid little attention to anything outside-- nah. He was a focused worker! He paid attention to his lil' projects! So when he heard distant movement outside even with the screaming, he continued his work. He tied a quick tourniquet over Pheobe's shoulder before withdrawing his knife and continuing his work lower on her bicep. Just sawing, shredding, cutting and hacking until Phoebe's entire arm was off. Then? Then he skipped his ass outta' the room and towards where Gemini, Capri, and Ra were-- all with Phoebe's arm in tow. His entire side, hands, and arms were slick with her blood, his face speckled. "Gem, baby, need a hand?" He drawled, holding out the arm. Ra was given a glance before he turned to him and held the arm out. "Nice to meet you, want a handshake?" oh my god.

<LilacPetals>Gem crossed his arms, standing up straight and stared across the sidewalk at Ra and Capri. Dear? DeaR? His eyes narrowed, stepping back when the gun was drawn but as soon as Ra was down he walked over, snatched the fire arm and aimed a careless shot towards Capri’s other leg. If it hit- good. If not, he had other things to worry about.Jaeger came out next, only adding to his problems when he twisted towards him and stared, eyes falling to the arm and snarled “You cut her arm off?” he snapped “We needed her awake, you absolute idiot.” He’d backhand Jaeger, pointing back for the boiler room “Go make sure she’s alive still, then bring herout to the kennel and set her up in the middle. You gonna ruin anything else? Hm?” With that, he’d snatch Ra’s hair and attempt a drag towards a kennel to lock him in, pausing only a moment to shoot a look back to the girl “Call me dear again and next time I’ll cut your tongue out.” He grunted and huffed, taking most of his energy to haul the body carelessly down stairs, finally getting the downed cinis behind bars and slid the door closed to set it in concrete before reaching through the hole to lock it in place. He grumbled, dragging his fingers through his hair and crossed his arms to look back towards the boiler room “Jaeger!” he cleared his throat “Bring ‘er out.”

<Whitelupine> Phoebe would pass out half way through the arm sawing. /// Ra grunted heavily, again with the cattle prod! He’d smell Phoebe and see her hand, following it to see, not his beloved sister at the end of it, but, another face he’d instantly put on his list of ‘eviscerate and burn in a ditch’ as his eyes widened. Capri would laugh at Jaeger’s antics “Hey gimme five!” she’d say and hold her hand up for Jaeger to five her with the severed arm. A deep snarl escaped Ra as he slowly got to his feet. ///Capri would brandish the cattle prod “Stay.” When Gem shot at her other leg Capri would dance in place a bit, feeling the bullet sting and graze her other calf as she leaned against the wall “Sorry!” she called out. /// Ra wouldn’t go exactly easy, in fact he made it rather difficult for them even if he was recovering from getting electrocuted. He’d punch and even try to bite, still fighting even when he was thrown into the cell he’d turn and throw himself against the bars.

weaselbites>Jaeger grunted as he was slapped, dropping the arm with a meaty thunk. "She's alive!" He shouted back. "And you never specified that, fucking prick!" He shot right back venomously before turning on a heel to retrieve Phoebe. He'd sling his arms around her after unhooking her binds and carry her downstairs, his face twisted into an expression of rage. Once down there, and having been given the order, Jaeger rather unceremoniously dropped her into the center of the room, looking at Gemini with the same twisted look. Then Ra was given a glance, and he gestured downwards. "I hope you know, in the midst of her torture? She called for some fool called RM who probably filled her with his cock. Not even for you. Shows how much faith she had in your sorry ass..." He grunted, half laughter, half anger as he paced Phoebe's unconscious body before stooping to press a syringe into her arm. It was adrenaline. "Wakey, wakey..." He grumbled.

<Whitelupine> Ra heard Jaegers words about Phoebe and Rm and bared his teeth in a twisted snarl, his ears back and his tail raised. He knew why Phoebe hadn’t called out for him. She didn’t want to come and be in this exact situation. So, Jaeger’s words didn’t faze him. Yet. /// Phoebe would sit up with a start as the adrenaline pumped into her, she looked at Jaeger with pin pricked pupils then looked over to Ra, “Raf… “ she’d try to stand but found a lack of support from her missing arm and would flop on the floor. /// “Pheebs stay down….” Ra would call to his sister, his ears pinned back into his orange hair. “stay down….” A small creature would come out of Ra’s shirt and see the situation. Ra looked down at the little pipe fox and gave a very small, quick nod. Meekee would shoot out of Ra’s shirt and out the door like a panicked missile on a mission. “Yeah abandon me too you little shit!!”

<LilacPetals>Gemini looked between them and sighed, rolling his shoulders and pointed “See that?” he muttered “See that attachment you have to that little b-h?” He walked over to her and grabbed her hair to pull her up “This?! She?! Is a weakness. And I tried getting you out of that. I tried saving you. I tried making you more than you are and you turned your back on me. So we will start from rock bottom. We will work our way up and eventually- yes, eventually we will have you understanding why you belong here with us- and not out there with weaklings like her.” He snorted, looking down to Phoebe, before back up to Ra. Just in time to see the fox. He jerked his head to the side, watching it take off and glared back to him- something… Something about that made him uneasy… “we’re going to kill her, Ra. We’re going to murder her, chop her up and feed her to you. And just think, little pup, about how helpless you are. And you can scream all you want. The only ones who’re gonna hear you are the kids and I had to make sure they wouldn’t watch. Their mothers find it…” he thought over the word for a second “Unsanitary?”

<weaselbites>Jaeger watched, for now, silent. And awaiting orders.

<Whitelupine> Deep hyena like snarls escaped Ra as Phoebe was grabbed. “She is NOT a weakness you sick piece of shit… “ when Gem said they were going to murder her, Ra’s eyes would widen and his head would turn to bite down hard on the bars of his cell and begin digging into them, tugging back and making the heavy metal doors creek and groan. /// Phoebe watched her brother struggle against the bars, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, she knew, she knew she wasn’t getting out of this.

<LilacPetals>Gem snorted, shaking his head and leaned back into Jaeger, reaching up to grab his head and tilt it towards him, giving him a rather… uh-sickly passionate kiss before leaning up to whisper to him “Make her suffer, baby.” He purred, trailing his finger down his chin “You do good on this and I’ll do good for you later on, hm?” He was … happy? To finally have that god forsaken dog? Yes. Yes he was. He dropped Phoebe, stepping back and crossed his arms, watching Ra carefully and shook his head “tch- pathetic.”

<weaselbites>Jaeger's look of silent rage quickly melted into something sultry and purring; his lips twisting in a smile as he kissed Gemini back with the same fiery passion, reaching up to grab a hold of his face in the midst of it. Mm  . "You know I will," He whispered against Gemini's lips before drawing reluctantly away from him, one last lingering look, then Jaeger went at Phoebe like an animal. That whip made another appearance as he laid lash after lash over her back and spine, his boot soon coming down to step on her head and keep her still-- keep her facing Ra. Each swing was savage and violent, and he watched, blood spattering his face, as the cuts shredded flesh deep over her back.

<Whitelupine> Ra continued to bite and yank at the bars of his cage, there would be a sickening scream of metal as he began to bend the bars slowly as Gem began to lash Phoebe again. He was able to get a shoulder out of the cell. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER” the shout was more animalistic that human/// Phoebe felt the whip and would cry out in pain once more, trying to curl herself up in a ball, feeling the whip tear deep into her flesh.

<LilacPetals>Gem rolled his shoulders, walking up to the bars- keeping his distance “You want to have a weakness? I will beat it out of you. HE will beat it out of you. We do not back down, little pup. My mother died because of your filthy race. Now she’s not in charge anymore and I get to have my fun.”

<weaselbites>Jaeger growled, eyeing the bars. He dropped, grabbed Phoebe's hair and dropped the whip to pull out his knife again; pressing it to her neck as he yanked her head up. "You're going to sit and stay like a good dog, or I'll slit her fucking throat right here and the only thing you'll be allowed to drink is her blood." He snarled, his voice rasping and guttural.

<Whitelupine> Ra would snarl deeply and push himself forward more through the bent and torn metal. He was about half way out and trying to get his hips free, he’d make a grab for Gem, seeing Jaeger’s knife go his sisters throat he’d latch his nails into Gem’s shoulder and yank him close to him and dig his teeth deep into the man’s shoulder and begin to shake his head violently. //// Phoebe saw her brother’s rage “RAF, I’m going to die anyway! TAKE THAT FUCKER OUT!!” she paused, tears rolling down her cheeks as she felt the knife on her throat. “…I love you Raffy….”

LilacPetals>Gem was a dolt- an idiot. And the grab that careened him towards the bars had him letting out a shout, seething and ripping the knife from his belt and tried to slam it between the bars to slice at Ra’s face, arms, anything. “Kill the b-h!” He shouted back to Jaeger, giving a frantic stab towards Ra’s shoulder while he kicked back against the bars. A pop signafied his shoulder loosening, and he screamed out, snarling back at him.

weaselbites>Jaeger snapped. He scrambled up, bouncing Phoebe's head off the concrete before jamming the knife into her neck, and dragging it into a circle. He quickly ditched her, leaping forward and hitting the bars. "You get your hands the fUCK OFF OF HIM!" He screamed. Every shred of reserved action was gone, and Jaeger's voice crackled from the force of the shout. He stabbed at Ra just as viciously as Gemini-- before he lodged the knife under Ra's jaw and howled; "If you don't let go I will pry your fucking jaw apart!"

<Whitelupine> Ra smelled Gem’s blood and it made his own boil even more, one would swear he should have been born a hunter instead of a seeker. He’d continue to tear into Gemini the best he could through the bars, when he heard Phoebe call out to him, tears would actually form at the corners of the cinis’ eyes. “I love you too… Pheebs…” he said just as Jaeger slit his sisters throat, when Jaeger came over he snarled deeply and tore his face back hard to tear a good chunk from Gem’s arm and spit it back at Jaeger, blood pouring down his face as he looked at them. He stood there, eyes wide and pupils nothing bit pin bricks, the blue in his eyes pulsating. “Fucking kill you all…. ALL OF YOU… EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF YOU COCK SUCKING SADISTIC FUCKS!!! ” Ra might be a little mad.

<weaselbites>You don't touch Jaeger's man. He drove his boot into his stomach and then grabbed Ra by the hair. As the Cinis screamed, Jaeger got his face close and screamed right back. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He stabbed the knife into Ra's cheek, yanking it back and forth. "YOU DO NOT TOUCH HIM!" There was a lack of sanity in his tone, a lack of anything concrete. Gemini was his everything. Ra hurt him.

<LilacPetals>Gem let out a scream because AINT NO PAIN TOLERANCE gonna prepare you for that. He jerked back, snarling and cupped his hand over his arm, looking down to the blood dribbling out of it and finally twisted his head to Jaeger, stepping forward and dragged him into another kiss,shut up jaeger and calm down letting his hands hook into Jaegers hair while bites soon replaced any ounce of gentleness Gem could have given. He stumbled back, rolling his shirt over his head and twisted it around his arm, staring across at Ra and grinned “I like you” he panted out through ground teeth “It’s gonna be fun to f-k you up.”

<weaselbites>Jaeger had to be pulled away and, even when he was, he kept jumping and pulling to get to Ra. It was only when he was kissed that he held still; panting against the open-mouthed kisses and bites. Groaning shakily against his mouth, Jaeger growled, "You're mine, you're fucking mine, you hear me?" He pressed himself close; his pupils pin pricks as he stared over at Ra hatefully. "He only gets the corpse of this bitch to eat." Jaeger was fucking fuming.

<Whitelupine> Ra felt the knife in his cheek and snarled, not yipped, snarled out in pure anger. He’d yank his face away from the knife and step back deeper into his cell, kneeling down like a animal ready to strike, his tail held out rigid and his ears turning forward to focus on both of them. “Come on then cunt flap. Show us what you fuck’n got Or are you just going to stand there and yap?” That second voice was not Ra’s.

<weaselbites>Jaeger stared, and looped his arm around Gemini before huffing. Silent.

<LilacPetals>Gem leaned against Jaeger, watching Ra carefully, calculating before he shook his head and stepped back away from his little partner in crime. He dragged the body over, kicking it in front of the cell and let the body flop there in front of the door “If you get hungry have fun.” He muttered out, turning and heading down the lines of cells (( now would be the time for sure for Ra to either speak up or stay quiet about where he is/ tell them so they can get out. So if y’all wanna do that tonight- speak up. If not tomorrow is free fo meeee))

<Whitelupine> Ra stared back at them, he stared INTO them, his teeth bared fully as he crouched there, shuddering and poised. He’d slowly lick Gemini’s blood from his lips and allow Binge to make him grin sadistically. “ your hubby tastes delicious… can’t wait to have more. Both of you are not going to live to see your next years. gonna slice and dice those pretty faces from your skulls Going to feed you to the other Cinis… “ He wasn’t gonna warn them about that bug tonight. Actually he’s probably forgotten it in the stress.

<Gutter-Mutt> Kaz would have, after listening to that damn bug... had enough. Just, fuck it, right? He was already on a roll tonight, felt like shit, and wanted to distract himself. What better time than now. After pacing the basement under the barn, Kaz would finally throw himself toward the door and move up the stairs and then... toward the loft, yanking down the ladder and opening the door. "YO! Blue mutha' fucker! S'get this shit rollin', ah'm done listenin' 'this bullshit!" A growl had him sliding back down the latter and turning to grab out his phone, texting Jason; 'Barn, now.'

<weaselbites>Donovan's head shot up from the straw, bits caught in his hair as his luminous eyes stared Kaz down in mild shock and confusion. "I-- 'Aight?!" He shouted back, scrambling up and diving down the ladder haphazardly after Kaz. He adjusted his bandanna and stared around, blinking, before clearing his throat and eyeing the fighter Cinis. "What's happening?"

<Kach-22> Jason was busy, sitting in Kaz's boxers and nothing else. He blinked down at his phone, tugged on a pair of sweats and stuck his wittle feet into some flip flops, and then a tshirt over his head as he made his way for the barn, up and in he was like. Who the fuck is this, to Donovan. Head cocked to the side before he turned his eyes to Kaz, "Whats up, Baby?"

<Whitelupine> When they left him, Ra would slowly slink forward to look at his sister’s body, his ears drooping. “Pheebs…” he’d reach a hand out and gently rub her cheek. She’d heard him… hadn’t she? She’d heard him say the words he could of said a little more in life… “.. say hi to mom and dad for me, alright? I am sure they will be happy to see you.. it will be alright” he’d stay like that with his sister for a long time, forehead pressed against the bars and his hand against Phoebe. in the cold darkness, some would even hear the orange Cinis begin to sob softly. Just softly.

Gutter-Mutt> "One, get th'fuck outa' those flip flops... Jesus Christ, Jason." He'd snort and turn to Dono. "...somethin's goin' down with someone ah know at their headquarters. We're going... t'night. Earlier than planned, but... fuck it. Ah'm done listening t'this bullshit." And he'd roll a shoulder, turning to one of the walls, which was messed with until a safe was revealed. Weapons of all sorts were dug out and handed over. Handguns, rifles, even fucking sticky bombs. "Ah need you t'help me break in... an' ah need you--" Jason was eyed. "...t'help with man power." Done. >C

<Kach-22> Jason paused and slowly looked down at his shoes, "Excuse you." He turned and darted back into the house, coming back out in his shit kickers. He'd point to his feet and cross his arms over his chest, nodding his head as he listened to what was going on. Licking over his lips as he just waited. Guns? Jason..really didn't need guns.

<weaselbites>Donovan's eyes narrowed; his brows knitting together before he gave a nod. "M'Donovan," He told Jason as weapons were handed out. Taking an assault rifle, he wrapped the strap over his shoulders and held the weapon unsurely; he had a pistol tucked into his waistband already, which he owned. He even took a sticky bomb. "Done. When we get there, y'just follow my lead, 'aight?" He grunted to Kaz quickly. "Once we're in, go wild, but we needa' go in a way they won't have guarded, ja feel?" He peered from Jason to Kaz and slung the rifle over his back. His tank top showed the barcode between his collar bones, and the tattooed nickname he had received as well-- just reminders of the cult.

Whitelupine> Crap- oh wait that’s a swear, SHOOT, no that’s another swear, oh darn! The young pipe fox zipped his way through the streets, avoiding pedestrians and cars. Ra was in trouble, Ra was in trouble!!! Get to Kaz, Get to Kaz… the pub, that’s what Ra had said, go to the pub! Meekee was terrified as he flew through the RLD, his tiny ears pinned back to his head. The little pipe fox would fly into the pub when someone walked through the door and look around, his tiny chest heaving “help!! Kaz??” his child like voice cried out as he looked around frantically.

<Gutter-Mutt> Kaz shrugged at Jason's lack of interest in a weapon. "Take ah few sticky bombs at least." And once everyone had gathered their ammo and weapons, he'd stalk out with a growl. Josh's huge fucking... lifted, armored truck was hopped into, and the doors unlocked. Once they were in? He'd back out loudly, and fast.. and zoom off to the Pub, where.. uh-- where he forgot.. SOMETHING IDK WHY HE'D GO THERE. :I Stopping in the parking lot, he'd hop out. "Be right back." And inside he'd go to dig in his couch.

<Whitelupine> Meekee swung around in mid air when Kaz came in, recognizing him but just barely and zipping over “Ra, Ra’s caught!” Of course the little genius didn’t know about the bugs “In his bike, he says there’s more weapons hidden, the keys are under your cushion!”

<weaselbites>Donovan hopped in the truck, not wasting any time. He rolled the window down and pointed the muzzle of the assault rifle out the window; his teeth gritted. This was gonna be a goddamn fuck fest... Grabbing out a pen and paper, Dono drew out a basic map of the location. "'Aight," He hissed, looking up at the pub to await Kaz' return so he could explain his quick plan.

<Kach-22> Jason shrugged and grabbed a sticky bomb or seven and tucked them into a hoodie he had in the barn. Why? Because who the fuck cares why? Thats why. He'd skitter over and get into the front seat, even if he had to shove Donovoan out of the way. He'd simply wait in the front seat while Kaz went into the pub. He'd glance back at Donovan. "You'll be fine. " /////////////// Remy Was about to respond to Rm when Kaz busted the fuck in, he jumped and stared at him for a moment, and he just..stared at that creepy thing that was flying around. :[

<weaselbites>Donovan huffed and scooted into the back seat. D< "I know," He said, before peering over at Jason slowly. He'd seen the Phoenix's work... "... Y'think you could wreck some guards?" He asked, a slow grin forming. "All'at fire n' shit?"

<Gutter-Mutt> Kaz snarled as he dug within his couch for a few things, which were pocketed. Turning, face to face with... whatever the fuck that fox thing was, he'd sneer. "Ah don' need'em... or th'bike. Ah have m'own shit. An' ah know what's goin' on. When will people fuckin' GET that?!" Hands thrown up, he'd stalk from the room again and hop back into the truck. Turning now to eye Donovan, he'd wait expectantly for information.

<Kach-22> Jason snickered softly, brushing his braid away from his shoulder, "Mmm.. Probably. " He was obviously pretty confident in himself now. "I used to not like hurting people. But when those people like to hurt my puppy, I like to hrut them!" He chirpped, happily, hands folded in his lap. ///// Remy sat, froze, blinking as Kaz bugged out, then got the fuck out. "I.. Yeah. It was creepy. "

<Whitelupine> When Kaz sneered at him Meekee would float down a little. A soft whine escaping the young fox, well f- you too buddy! Don’t shoot the messenger! Meekee would watch Kaz leave, he wanted to follow but he was exhausted and there wasn’t much he could do at his age. He’d settle for floating up to the bar and wrapping himself around one of the thicker liquor bottles to rest, whining softly.

<weaselbites>Donovan nodded, rolling his eyes pleasantly-- and nervously-- at Jason's reply. Wasn't his fault he was scared... This was a big deal, after all. "Mmk," He scooted forward between the front seats to hold out the map ( ). "'ere we are. Figure that flamey here could cause a fuss at the entrance-- an' we can take out most of the guards and push our way back. Basement? That's the cage area. Under there is the isolation chambers. Pree' fucked up. Gonna be hairy. We can get all of 'em out while Jason keeps the focus on 'im out here," He pointed to the entrance of the basement, or to the front of the building. "Jus' scare 'em. They ain't gonna wanna fight. Gemini's a kid, his mother's dead, we jus' gotta scare him."

<Gutter-Mutt> Kaz nodded, listening to Dono as he eyed the map. "...ah, so, we needa' head aroun' th'back of th'buildin'? Ah wanna' take out as many of these fucks as we can... This is m'fuckin' City an' it's time bitches recognize." THUGLYFE. Pfft. He'd turn back to the wheel, and pull out. "Now, where is this fuckin' place?"

<Kach-22> Jason nodded to Kaz, leaning back against the seat as he closed his eyes. He just relaxed as he waited, quiet. Silently wondering how he wanted to go about ' distracting' the guards. With Autographs! thats it. Derp.

<weaselbites>Donovan stated an address immediately once he was asked and turned, peering at the back window and sliding it open. He scrambled out into the truck bed, grabbing the bar with one hand tightly so he could grab his pistol with the other and ready himself as they screeched down the street, wind blowin' his hair all majestic-like.

<Gutter-Mutt> Kaz took off for the address, resting back in the truck's seat with one arm raised on the steering wheel. Dono was watched from the rear view mirror, but otherwise left to his devices as he turned and continued on the freeway, getting off at a certain exit that only took them closer to the complex. It wouldn't be too long with his fast the Cinis was driving, and the truck would slow to a stop a block or so down from the target location. Snorting, he'd exhale and finally step from the truck, patting his hips to ensure both handguns he'd chosen were secure.

<Kach-22> Jason leaned over and pressed a rather sloppy kiss to Kaz's neck before sitting back. Excuse you, he just loved Kaz like this, okay? Once the car stopped he'd look around from side to side then behind him before creeping up to the gate to peek over. Counting as many as he could, before peeking over his shoulder, peeking at Kaz he'd hold up four fingers. But-- A flash from the roof had his head cocking and him pointing up, " Me?" point.

weaselbites>Donovan slid from the back of the truck and grabbed out his knife to hold as well as his pistol whilst they crept closer. "The basement's 'round back, yeah?" He whispered, pointing to the side alley beside the complex. "Guards on the roof, too," He nodded a little at Jason and canted his head, waiting for commands from Kaz.

<Gutter-Mutt> Kaz nodded slowly, eyes narrowed as he watched Jason and then Dono. Four on the ground, in the front... and then; "Yeh.. go take care of'em on th'roof. Dono, take out th'front guards while ah work m'way aroun' back." And unless they objected, he'd turn and slip along the fence, leading down the alley, plastering himself once both guards in the back were noticed. His ears would slide back, and his own handgun was produced as he waited in the shadows to see how well the others did before he advanced. Making sure they didn't need help, of course.

<Kach-22> Jason nodded to Kaz, lips pursed as he moved around the wall of the building, away from main front. And to the east. Hands in his pockets, trying to look...straight up incognito. He'd walk around until he was able to scale the fire escape all the way up to the top. He'd peek over the edge then slowly pull himself over. He'd take a few steps towards the closet man and then sit down on his butt about five feet from him. He licked his lips and then pushed his hands out, it would look just like the man stumbled and then? Toppled over the side of the building and BAM, landed on the man below. He bit into his bottom lip and peeked over as the second guard ran over to the edge to see what was going on. Thats when Jason jumped up, and slammed his hands against his back, shoving him over the edge too. Then-- He dropped laying flat on the roof, avoiding the other two guards line of sight for not. Giggle. :>
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